Just before I was to fly up to this event, I received word that Derek Acorah had to cancel. I was very disappointed but understood he got called away to do something on the very same weekend. So Chris Fleming was to take over for him on the alternate ghost hunt. I could have gotten my money back that I had paid for the ghost hunt but I opted instead to go on it anyway with Chris for I knew it would be great with him too.
So after the classes were pretty much over, 8 of us met at the courtyard that night for the ghost hunt. I got to meet Rachel who is a very nice lady although she did not go with us.
I was able to hitch a ride with Dave and Chris and a few others down to the Mounds Theatre in St. Paul.
I had not picked up any other equipment at this time, so I still had my ghost meter and digital recorder. I hung with Chris so I could learn more and listen and be more aware. He had his Spirit Box with him. I didn't use too much of my own equipment this time as I wanted to be more open and attuned with my senses. It was a very nice theatre and seemed to be set up more so for plays than anything else. There are several different hauntings in there. We kept thinking we heard voices backstage but did not see anything. Some shadows didn't seem quite right but it was difficult to tell so I ruled it out as mostly the mind just matrixing.
Eventually, we headed upstairs to the children's playroom. There we sat in chairs arranged in a large circle and Dave and Chris were leading the talk to see if we could get any EVPs. It was very quiet when all of a sudden the lady to my left screamed out! I jumped and turned to her and she was starting to cry as I got up quickly and knelt before her. Holding her hands in my own, she related to us that she felt something yank the hood of her jacket back, very hard. It scared the heck out of her! She was so very upset for it was not a playful tug. I went immediately into protective mode and made sure she was ok before I sat back down. A prayer was said and then we later left the room and headed to the main part of the theatre.
While coming downstairs, going ahead of Chris, I looked back for a second as something caught my eye and it seemed that there was a double image of him or another was there in a doorway or threshold for a split second. It was very bizarre. Again, I dismissed it as I had tried to look more intently on it and it was gone.
Afterwards, we all decided to go down to the basement where a very nasty negative energy is suppose to be. It was a bit of a squeeze to get thru the backstage sets and then down to the basement. We entered this square room that was made of cinderblocks on all four walls with no air vents in the room. Just a doorway and walls. There was an oppressive feeling here, like very heavy air, tension was thick, you could just feel it. I shrugged this off however so I wouldn't psyche myself out and entered thinking it was just a storage room and nothing more.
But no....there was something there. We were all standing around and Chris began to talk of what he could feel was this negative energy and it was trying to enter him thru his back! So Dave stood up against him, putting his back to Chris' back so that it could not do that to Chris. After a few minutes that same lady from the children's room who had screamed, grabbed my arm and she fell to the floor! I pulled away and stepped back having been startled to see what was going on as I noticed she was on the floor and her husband was rushing to her aid. The only thing behind her was a wall, that was it but she said she felt like something grabbed her by the throat and pushed her down to the floor!! Dave rushed over to help her as well but it left Chris open so I stepped in and took Dave's place and put my back to Chris' for I was not about to allow anything to harm him if I could help it. I was in full protective mode at this point as I know I am a natural shield and can block energies.
Dave had us all gather in a circle then, backs facing inward as I remained where I was as prayers were said and we took a stand against whatever it was. I could feel air coming at me from the far wall and then blowing past my face from right to left. It came at me straight and then would not be able to touch me but only go around and then pass over my left shoulder to the point where the people standing there to my left all exclaimed they could feel that air passing them by!
Once Chris felt the energy had backed off somewhat. we left the room quickly.
Back upstairs, I sat with Chris as he got out his Spirit Box and he began to talk to the voices that were coming out of it. What was funny was that he was told that his father was off golfing and they were all laughing for they were hiding his balls on him so he couldn't find them. We had a good laugh as we listened and he asked them questions.
I left Minnesota with a better understanding and great outlook on all I had learned of. I was excited and on top of the world and felt it was the best event I have ever gone to. Everyone was so friendly and nice and it was such a great experience being able to talk to psychics and the vendors as well from the area. I now keep an eye out for future Awakening events!
Next Event: The Waverly Hills Sanatorium with Ghost Adventures & Darkness Radio!
A personal journey into the paranormal. The best people, equipment, locations and ghosts!

by The Ghost Peeker
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Psychic Awakenings, Minneapolis, MN--Nov 2009--Part 2
I could really not say enough about the vendors at this event. The local people of Minnesota are just fantastic! Several booths were set up with all sorts of things from crystals and psychic readings to aura reports! I loved it! I went from vendor to vendor and spoke with nearly all of them about various different topics.They even had some people downstairs and I made to visit them as well and picked up brochures and browsed through the things they had for sale.
I was definitely interested in the aura pictures and reports and so made an appt to have that done. They had this wonderful machine that you place your hand on and you sit on a stool with a white screen behind you and they take your picture and then generate a full report for you off the computer. I was so excited! I got the larger report and it had a copy of my picture on the front with my aura showing all around me in this purple color mostly. The report goes over in detail about the colors in your aura and it explains your chakras and the meaning of the colors. Something to note too is that your aura colors can change but at this moment I had a lot of ultra-violet and white light, some green and pink.
One of the vendors, Echo Bodine, was also a speaker. She is a really wonderful psychic!
At her table, she was selling a few mirror necklaces and she talks of them in her class as she gets asked about them often. I picked up a few of these for my friends as they reflect negative energy.
Chip Coffey also gave a talk and he did a gallery reading as well. For those who do know him, he is on Psychic Kids.
He is just a really funny and charasmatic man! With a no nonsense approach, he is most direct and pulls no punches. But what a warm, kind man as well! I have enjoyed his gallery readings and listening to him give talks.
I got to talk at great length with Paranormal Sarah this time. A very insightful young woman with a very kind and caring demeanor. This time however, I read her tarot with my own deck that I had brought with me.
I also did a 3 card spread for Dave Schrader of Darkness Radio, something I normally do not do myself as I prefer the Celtic Cross spread. But both of the readings went very well.
The classes were just incredible! Another great personality is John J. Oliver!
I really enjoyed his talk about the Saturn Returns and psychic awareness. I would love to attend one of his seminars or camps one day. He is the star of Haunting Evidence and has a significant background in the paranormal.
These were just some of the more well known and top speakers that were at this huge event! I did pick up a few other things as well that just spoke to me. Ever go thru a store and something just jumped out at you and you felt this really strong urge to touch it or to actually purchase it? I have found that is happening for a reason and so I have been listening more often. It is a very strong feeling you get.
One of the things that I realized from this event is that I have to remember to bring cash with me for their atm also ran out of money and more would not be put in by the bank until Monday. I almost had to hire a taxi to take me to an atm and then back to the event! So always make sure if you are going to an event I highly recommend a rental car so you can pick up and go as you need to and you are not stuck at the hotel and dependent on them for food (which is normally expensive) and also if you did not bring enough cash with you, that you can at least get more out of an atm.
The other thing was that I realized just how shy I am about taking pictures. I don't like to come off like a fan or tourist and yet, I am that too! But I promise more pics as I go to future events!
I was definitely interested in the aura pictures and reports and so made an appt to have that done. They had this wonderful machine that you place your hand on and you sit on a stool with a white screen behind you and they take your picture and then generate a full report for you off the computer. I was so excited! I got the larger report and it had a copy of my picture on the front with my aura showing all around me in this purple color mostly. The report goes over in detail about the colors in your aura and it explains your chakras and the meaning of the colors. Something to note too is that your aura colors can change but at this moment I had a lot of ultra-violet and white light, some green and pink.
One of the vendors, Echo Bodine, was also a speaker. She is a really wonderful psychic!
At her table, she was selling a few mirror necklaces and she talks of them in her class as she gets asked about them often. I picked up a few of these for my friends as they reflect negative energy.
Chip Coffey also gave a talk and he did a gallery reading as well. For those who do know him, he is on Psychic Kids.
He is just a really funny and charasmatic man! With a no nonsense approach, he is most direct and pulls no punches. But what a warm, kind man as well! I have enjoyed his gallery readings and listening to him give talks.
I got to talk at great length with Paranormal Sarah this time. A very insightful young woman with a very kind and caring demeanor. This time however, I read her tarot with my own deck that I had brought with me.
I also did a 3 card spread for Dave Schrader of Darkness Radio, something I normally do not do myself as I prefer the Celtic Cross spread. But both of the readings went very well.
The classes were just incredible! Another great personality is John J. Oliver!
I really enjoyed his talk about the Saturn Returns and psychic awareness. I would love to attend one of his seminars or camps one day. He is the star of Haunting Evidence and has a significant background in the paranormal.
These were just some of the more well known and top speakers that were at this huge event! I did pick up a few other things as well that just spoke to me. Ever go thru a store and something just jumped out at you and you felt this really strong urge to touch it or to actually purchase it? I have found that is happening for a reason and so I have been listening more often. It is a very strong feeling you get.
One of the things that I realized from this event is that I have to remember to bring cash with me for their atm also ran out of money and more would not be put in by the bank until Monday. I almost had to hire a taxi to take me to an atm and then back to the event! So always make sure if you are going to an event I highly recommend a rental car so you can pick up and go as you need to and you are not stuck at the hotel and dependent on them for food (which is normally expensive) and also if you did not bring enough cash with you, that you can at least get more out of an atm.
The other thing was that I realized just how shy I am about taking pictures. I don't like to come off like a fan or tourist and yet, I am that too! But I promise more pics as I go to future events!
Psychic Awakenings, Minneapolis, MN--Nov 2009--Part 1
After investigating the Stanley Hotel, I was anxious to go to another event. I saw this one at Dave's site and looked further into it. It did not focus on the ghost hunting but rather on developing and learning of your own psychic abilities.
Of course, there was a private ghost hunt offered and I was excited to sign up for that as there would only be 10 people going!
Now what had really caught my eye on this particular event was that Derek Acorah was to be there!
AND! He was going to be leading one night of investigation at the Mounds Theatre in St. Paul!!
How exciting! I had first seen Derek on the TV show, Most Haunted, when I first moved to Texas. I had been intrigued and thought I would love to meet him.
Unfortunately, my friend from Nova Scotia could not make it. So I went up by myself. We were to stay at the Ramada Inn and now, it was not just any old Ramada either! Oh no! It was none other than the Grand Rios!
Now if you are ever in Minnesota, you have to check this place out! I went up a day early for not only did I want to have a day to relax in the lagoon there at Grand Rios, but I also decided to stay a day later so I could enjoy the great shopping you always hear about at The Mall of America.
Yes, I fully planned to spoil myself rotten!
The hotel was offering a special deal for all of us who were attending the event and they gave us free passes for two to the waterpark that is INSIDE the hotel! I arrived at the Minneaopolis airport and this time, instead of renting a car, I thought to just pay a taxi or shuttle to take me up there. I knew all the events were to be at the hotel except for the ghost hunt but I thought I could just get a ride with another for that.
I did also sign up for a reading with Chris Fleming. I had been very impressed with his class at the Stanley that he gave and I wanted to see how the reading might go. I had made the arrangements for it and I was to be his very first reading on the Friday of the first day of the event, just before the first class and gathering started. I would be paying in cash so Chris did not have any information about me, only my first name and my cell phone number. That was it.
As I was there Thursday, a day early, taking a taxi on up, which was very expensive as this hotel is not all that close to the airport, I changed into my bathing suit and headed for the waterpark! This was really incredible! Amazing chutes and slides and the lagoon was just great! They also had quite a few sectioned off areas with hot tubs and a huge area in the middle for kids to play in like a tropical tree house type of thing. It was really, really neat! Many people brought their families with them and there even local people who came over just for the waterpark as remember, this is November! Brrr! But the water temperature was great and the staff are all super friendly! My room was gorgeous!
Friday, the vendors arrived to set up their tables in the main courtyard of the hotel. Chris got in late with his flight and called me to ask if he could meet me a lil later since his flight was delayed. So no problem, I got to see him later on and as I walked around there to each vendor, I saw Paranormal Sarah! I went right on over and talked with her for a while.
I had spotted Chris and he looked over and I must have seemed somewhat familiar and so I walked over to him and confirmed that yes, I was his first appt. :) So he went to get things ready and took me off to his room where it was quiet and we could do the reading. Chris had a pad of paper and pen and he set to writing, taking notes of his impressions and what was coming thru to him. Again, I clammed as much as I could. I always feel a bit funny going to see a psychic or medium for a reading. Most ask you why you are there or what question you wish to ask or what you are wanting to know. I never know exactly what to say for there isn't a whole lot I want to know from the other side. But, he touched on several things that again, he had no way of knowing as he did not even have my address or full name or anything. Chris Fleming is a nice soft spoken man and I had a very nice reading with him and he shared a few insights with me.
For those who do not know of Chris, he has been on the Dead Famous, Psychic Kids and has done a few episodes of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures.
He's been to many of the paranormal events as well and leading investigations.
Of course, there was a private ghost hunt offered and I was excited to sign up for that as there would only be 10 people going!
Now what had really caught my eye on this particular event was that Derek Acorah was to be there!
AND! He was going to be leading one night of investigation at the Mounds Theatre in St. Paul!!
How exciting! I had first seen Derek on the TV show, Most Haunted, when I first moved to Texas. I had been intrigued and thought I would love to meet him.
Unfortunately, my friend from Nova Scotia could not make it. So I went up by myself. We were to stay at the Ramada Inn and now, it was not just any old Ramada either! Oh no! It was none other than the Grand Rios!
Now if you are ever in Minnesota, you have to check this place out! I went up a day early for not only did I want to have a day to relax in the lagoon there at Grand Rios, but I also decided to stay a day later so I could enjoy the great shopping you always hear about at The Mall of America.
Yes, I fully planned to spoil myself rotten!
The hotel was offering a special deal for all of us who were attending the event and they gave us free passes for two to the waterpark that is INSIDE the hotel! I arrived at the Minneaopolis airport and this time, instead of renting a car, I thought to just pay a taxi or shuttle to take me up there. I knew all the events were to be at the hotel except for the ghost hunt but I thought I could just get a ride with another for that.
I did also sign up for a reading with Chris Fleming. I had been very impressed with his class at the Stanley that he gave and I wanted to see how the reading might go. I had made the arrangements for it and I was to be his very first reading on the Friday of the first day of the event, just before the first class and gathering started. I would be paying in cash so Chris did not have any information about me, only my first name and my cell phone number. That was it.
As I was there Thursday, a day early, taking a taxi on up, which was very expensive as this hotel is not all that close to the airport, I changed into my bathing suit and headed for the waterpark! This was really incredible! Amazing chutes and slides and the lagoon was just great! They also had quite a few sectioned off areas with hot tubs and a huge area in the middle for kids to play in like a tropical tree house type of thing. It was really, really neat! Many people brought their families with them and there even local people who came over just for the waterpark as remember, this is November! Brrr! But the water temperature was great and the staff are all super friendly! My room was gorgeous!
Friday, the vendors arrived to set up their tables in the main courtyard of the hotel. Chris got in late with his flight and called me to ask if he could meet me a lil later since his flight was delayed. So no problem, I got to see him later on and as I walked around there to each vendor, I saw Paranormal Sarah! I went right on over and talked with her for a while.
I had spotted Chris and he looked over and I must have seemed somewhat familiar and so I walked over to him and confirmed that yes, I was his first appt. :) So he went to get things ready and took me off to his room where it was quiet and we could do the reading. Chris had a pad of paper and pen and he set to writing, taking notes of his impressions and what was coming thru to him. Again, I clammed as much as I could. I always feel a bit funny going to see a psychic or medium for a reading. Most ask you why you are there or what question you wish to ask or what you are wanting to know. I never know exactly what to say for there isn't a whole lot I want to know from the other side. But, he touched on several things that again, he had no way of knowing as he did not even have my address or full name or anything. Chris Fleming is a nice soft spoken man and I had a very nice reading with him and he shared a few insights with me.
For those who do not know of Chris, he has been on the Dead Famous, Psychic Kids and has done a few episodes of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures.
He's been to many of the paranormal events as well and leading investigations.
Moon Phase Calendar Added!
Before I go into the next investigation/event that I attended, I wanted to let you all know of the addition to this blog, the Current Moon Phase calendar.
What does it have to do with the paranormal and ghost hunting? It is believed that the Moon adds power to the paranormal. You know how they say all the crazies come out on a night of a Full Moon? ;)
No, seriously though, as most may know, the Moon phases effects the tides and women's cycles and it can also effect moods as well. There is power in the Moon phases and many cultures will follow the Moon cycles and celebrate it and they will collect herbs and put things together by the light of the Full Moon.
For the paranormal realm, it adds that spooky mystique and it adds power to whatever is going on. Heightening the senses and charging the atmosphere with it's silvery glow. If you read tarot, the best times for doing so, are during the phases of the New and Full Moons. It will be one of the most strongest times for divination. Besides, it will help you to see while out there in the dark, illuminating that spectral shadow with a natural light, a reflection of the sun.
So I've added it here as a guide and tool, something to be aware of when you fancy a trip out to investigate that local haunt!
What does it have to do with the paranormal and ghost hunting? It is believed that the Moon adds power to the paranormal. You know how they say all the crazies come out on a night of a Full Moon? ;)
No, seriously though, as most may know, the Moon phases effects the tides and women's cycles and it can also effect moods as well. There is power in the Moon phases and many cultures will follow the Moon cycles and celebrate it and they will collect herbs and put things together by the light of the Full Moon.
For the paranormal realm, it adds that spooky mystique and it adds power to whatever is going on. Heightening the senses and charging the atmosphere with it's silvery glow. If you read tarot, the best times for doing so, are during the phases of the New and Full Moons. It will be one of the most strongest times for divination. Besides, it will help you to see while out there in the dark, illuminating that spectral shadow with a natural light, a reflection of the sun.
So I've added it here as a guide and tool, something to be aware of when you fancy a trip out to investigate that local haunt!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Stanley Hotel/Nov 2008, Extras!
Just a final note here about this trip before I return to post of the next ghost hunt I went on, which was in Minnesota as I attended the Psychic Awakenings weekend there...
At most of these events, you often get the chance to attend a gallery reading, much like you may have seen with "Crossing Over with John Edwards". Plus, you also get to meet some really great people who are offering different services and items for sale.
Some of these people I have met thus far are: Scotty Roberts who reads tarot cards from a gorgeous tarot deck! Paranormal Sarah, who will read animal bones and does energy readings. Chris Fleming often has equipment for sale and there are lots of photo opps for those who like their pics taken with the celebrities.
I am not one to really do the picture thing with the celebrities but I am going to try to do that more, so that you can see what the people look like that I am writing about. :)
I don't have stars in my eyes however nor am I all gushy about those who have been on tv or whatnot. To me, they are just like you and I. These people happen to be at the right place at the right time and many have special talents and gifts that they have honed and excel at. So while I do see others who go swooning over Zak, Nick, or Aaron from Ghost Adventures, I don't do that. I like to try to learn from them and talk with them instead. They are really nice guys!
So anyway, I signed up for an energy reading from Sarah and it was a great reading! There is no way she could have known a few things that she did and it also made me realize how much I was aware of too but yet had not voiced it aloud or acknowledged it before. Sarah is a really great lady who I enjoy talking to whenever I go to one of these events! Be sure and see her if you go!!
I also attended a Gallery Reading by the Parrys. That was really wild to sit in on. I know there are many skeptics out there about these things, thinking they are fake and all. But I just don't see how anyone could possibly know the things they pull out. It is not just dates or facts, but it is about personalities which is something they could no way know. Were the audience members plants then? No. I can attest to that which I will explain in another blog post of another trip I took just this past year! So be on the lookout for that!
My only bad thing about the Stanley is that I had no rental car. Ooohh big mistake! So I was locked into eating at the hotel and it was a bit expensive. I wished I had rented a car and I could have then gone down into the town and ate at some of the other restaurants. The town also had a lot of quaint shops that just beckoned for the curious traveler and shopper to go poking thru!
Plus the shuttle to and from the Denver Airport out to the Stanley is expensive.
My only pieces of equipment that I had and took with me to the Stanley were my ghost meter, a small Olympus recorder and my camera, which I only used to take pics although it does take video, a nice Kodak Easy Share.
This was definitely a great trip that really ignited my interest into the paranormal even more! I can not begin to say how great I felt to not feel so alone and that there are many others out there who share my interests.
Next trip: Psychic Awakenings, Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN, November 2009
At most of these events, you often get the chance to attend a gallery reading, much like you may have seen with "Crossing Over with John Edwards". Plus, you also get to meet some really great people who are offering different services and items for sale.
Some of these people I have met thus far are: Scotty Roberts who reads tarot cards from a gorgeous tarot deck! Paranormal Sarah, who will read animal bones and does energy readings. Chris Fleming often has equipment for sale and there are lots of photo opps for those who like their pics taken with the celebrities.
I am not one to really do the picture thing with the celebrities but I am going to try to do that more, so that you can see what the people look like that I am writing about. :)
I don't have stars in my eyes however nor am I all gushy about those who have been on tv or whatnot. To me, they are just like you and I. These people happen to be at the right place at the right time and many have special talents and gifts that they have honed and excel at. So while I do see others who go swooning over Zak, Nick, or Aaron from Ghost Adventures, I don't do that. I like to try to learn from them and talk with them instead. They are really nice guys!
So anyway, I signed up for an energy reading from Sarah and it was a great reading! There is no way she could have known a few things that she did and it also made me realize how much I was aware of too but yet had not voiced it aloud or acknowledged it before. Sarah is a really great lady who I enjoy talking to whenever I go to one of these events! Be sure and see her if you go!!
I also attended a Gallery Reading by the Parrys. That was really wild to sit in on. I know there are many skeptics out there about these things, thinking they are fake and all. But I just don't see how anyone could possibly know the things they pull out. It is not just dates or facts, but it is about personalities which is something they could no way know. Were the audience members plants then? No. I can attest to that which I will explain in another blog post of another trip I took just this past year! So be on the lookout for that!
My only bad thing about the Stanley is that I had no rental car. Ooohh big mistake! So I was locked into eating at the hotel and it was a bit expensive. I wished I had rented a car and I could have then gone down into the town and ate at some of the other restaurants. The town also had a lot of quaint shops that just beckoned for the curious traveler and shopper to go poking thru!
Plus the shuttle to and from the Denver Airport out to the Stanley is expensive.
My only pieces of equipment that I had and took with me to the Stanley were my ghost meter, a small Olympus recorder and my camera, which I only used to take pics although it does take video, a nice Kodak Easy Share.
This was definitely a great trip that really ignited my interest into the paranormal even more! I can not begin to say how great I felt to not feel so alone and that there are many others out there who share my interests.
Next trip: Psychic Awakenings, Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN, November 2009
The Stanley Hotel/Nov 2008, part 3
The Stanley Hotel is really a gorgeous place! If you have not been there before, it is very much worth going! Take a peek at their gallery of pictures:
They are now running special ghost hunting packages where they toss in a KII along with the price! Check it out:
The above is a reservation page and if you look in the middle table, you can scroll to where you see: A Ghost Adventure package! You get to stay in one of their famous spooky rooms and get your first piece of ghost hunting equipment all in one deal! How fun!
Well onward we went for our first night of ghost hunting and where to? It was the 4th floor next! Where we wandered the very same halls that children's spirits are said to run up and down playing yet no one is there? We were in a few of the more haunted rooms with Bill Chappell and his Ovalus (that you can't purchase anymore. :( However, Bill has designed a new piece of equipment called the PX. More about that later!).
Tina and I wandered to various rooms when we settled in at this one on the 4th floor. Eventually there were but a handful of us in there and again, my ghost meter was kickin butt with readings! Now, many poo poo this device because they say it is a cell sensor. Yet, it does not pick up cell phone activity at all, at least, mine does not. But what is wild is that the KII got nothing or barely anything, whereas my device did. I was able to literally trace a form that seemed to be lying on the one side of the bed. We also got what seemed to be answers to questions and everyone was thrilled and excited to see this! A crowd kinda formed and it was great! While sitting down in another room, we were all watching the Ovilus and seeing how it worked, when we heard a noise in the bathroom behind me. I was not sure what it was, something in the shower but we could not get it to repeat itself so it could have just been a coincidence.
After the 4th floor, we headed off to another area of the hotel with Chris Fleming. This was at the guest house I believe and the hour had grown very late or very early depending on how you look at it. Tina seemed to have gotten ill and so she left to go lay down in our room. There was a huge crowd of us in this one room with Chris as he was trying to ask the entity to lower the temperature in the room if it could. It seemed to do this as it registered on his thermometer. By then, it was close to 4 am and I was exhausted and so returned to my room that I shared with Tina to check on her and make sure she was ok, which she was.
Dave from Darkness Radio kept everyone on track and called for us to change locations every hour and it really helped the whole event stay organized considering there were 200 of us attending and 100 of us on one night and then 100 of us the next night doing the ghost hunt.
I could not tell if I had any real good EVPs from the time spent with the ghost hunt itself because of all the people there. If you have any doubts, you toss it or rule it out.
All in all, for my first actual ghost hunt, it was great! Great job Dave from Darkness Radio!! Luv ya!
They are now running special ghost hunting packages where they toss in a KII along with the price! Check it out:
The above is a reservation page and if you look in the middle table, you can scroll to where you see: A Ghost Adventure package! You get to stay in one of their famous spooky rooms and get your first piece of ghost hunting equipment all in one deal! How fun!
Well onward we went for our first night of ghost hunting and where to? It was the 4th floor next! Where we wandered the very same halls that children's spirits are said to run up and down playing yet no one is there? We were in a few of the more haunted rooms with Bill Chappell and his Ovalus (that you can't purchase anymore. :( However, Bill has designed a new piece of equipment called the PX. More about that later!).
Tina and I wandered to various rooms when we settled in at this one on the 4th floor. Eventually there were but a handful of us in there and again, my ghost meter was kickin butt with readings! Now, many poo poo this device because they say it is a cell sensor. Yet, it does not pick up cell phone activity at all, at least, mine does not. But what is wild is that the KII got nothing or barely anything, whereas my device did. I was able to literally trace a form that seemed to be lying on the one side of the bed. We also got what seemed to be answers to questions and everyone was thrilled and excited to see this! A crowd kinda formed and it was great! While sitting down in another room, we were all watching the Ovilus and seeing how it worked, when we heard a noise in the bathroom behind me. I was not sure what it was, something in the shower but we could not get it to repeat itself so it could have just been a coincidence.
After the 4th floor, we headed off to another area of the hotel with Chris Fleming. This was at the guest house I believe and the hour had grown very late or very early depending on how you look at it. Tina seemed to have gotten ill and so she left to go lay down in our room. There was a huge crowd of us in this one room with Chris as he was trying to ask the entity to lower the temperature in the room if it could. It seemed to do this as it registered on his thermometer. By then, it was close to 4 am and I was exhausted and so returned to my room that I shared with Tina to check on her and make sure she was ok, which she was.
Dave from Darkness Radio kept everyone on track and called for us to change locations every hour and it really helped the whole event stay organized considering there were 200 of us attending and 100 of us on one night and then 100 of us the next night doing the ghost hunt.
I could not tell if I had any real good EVPs from the time spent with the ghost hunt itself because of all the people there. If you have any doubts, you toss it or rule it out.
All in all, for my first actual ghost hunt, it was great! Great job Dave from Darkness Radio!! Luv ya!
The Stanley Hotel/Nov 2008, part 2
That was very exciting! We got to meet many of the people who are very big in the field of the paranormal and we were able to attend some really interesting classes! If you haven't been an event, you should really check it out!
The event is split into two nights of ghost hunting with the celebrities and those with experience and those who are new. As it was our first time, we got put into the first group and set off to the annex with Jason and Grant from TAPS. I made sure that I grounded myself and protected myself before I began investigating. Many people, including those on the shows, do not do this. Their non-belief and skepticism is their defense but I have seen and heard way too much to rely on that for myself.
Tina and I were with a group that were led down to what is known as Grant's favorite room. If you watch their show, it's the room where the table falls over on him I believe. So there we sat for a long time.
First lesson I learned about ghost hunting was to not have too many people with you. The contamination element is high as you have no idea who is whispering or talking and it's hard when you go back to listen for possible EVPs.
We sat around for a while, some people were asking questions and some others got bored and left. A small handful of us were left when this one woman started to get touched! She was sitting in a chair and no one was behind her. She got very upset and scared and took off out of the room. Tina jumped up and sat in the chair as she wanted to be touched. It was not long before she did feel something pressing against her neck and upper shoulder and she also felt a pressure in her head.
We switched places but I didn't feel a thing. No touch or anything. After a while, her and I were the only two in the room and it wasn't long before Jason came in to check on us and let us know that it was nearly time for us to change locations. Every hour, we would be moving to another more haunted area of the hotel and work with a new set of people. Jason is very personable and friendly to talk to and we had a nice conversation with him before we had to leave that area.
Tina and I were then led off to the basement area where a lil kid ghost was said to haunt. We managed to get into the crawlspace but again, nothing as it was difficult to hear with so many people about. I would soon learn this a running theme at these events, too many people. In the other area however, these two ladies who were leading this location, were able to get some great EVPs by a little girl who likes jewelry. This is where we learned that being super, sugary sweet to spirits or entities, can get you some results. Sometimes they would even see the jewelry move!
Next stop was the famed Stephen King Suite, right next to my room! Gotta love that!! Father Andrew Calder led that area and he was more aggressive in provoking and calling out the energies or spirits that are believed to be there in that area.
What was odd, was that most everyone had KII meters, whereas I, had my little ghost meter. There was an electromagnetic field near the door and it would emenate out but the KIIs were not picking up much of anything else. I stood back by the bathroom to the right as you go in and all of a sudden my ghost meter began to pick up some fluctuating fields!! Everyone turned to look over as it has this huge area on the front end that flashes bright red and you can't miss it!! So I held it out and very still as all turned towards me and we began to ask questions and it seemed to be responding?! Still nothing was coming up on the KIIs? I am not sure if it is because the KIIs are just too restrictive? Or it just liked my gadget or perhaps some intereference somewhere? It was great however, although my arm got really tired of holding it in one spot in mid-air for so long.
The event is split into two nights of ghost hunting with the celebrities and those with experience and those who are new. As it was our first time, we got put into the first group and set off to the annex with Jason and Grant from TAPS. I made sure that I grounded myself and protected myself before I began investigating. Many people, including those on the shows, do not do this. Their non-belief and skepticism is their defense but I have seen and heard way too much to rely on that for myself.
Tina and I were with a group that were led down to what is known as Grant's favorite room. If you watch their show, it's the room where the table falls over on him I believe. So there we sat for a long time.
First lesson I learned about ghost hunting was to not have too many people with you. The contamination element is high as you have no idea who is whispering or talking and it's hard when you go back to listen for possible EVPs.
We sat around for a while, some people were asking questions and some others got bored and left. A small handful of us were left when this one woman started to get touched! She was sitting in a chair and no one was behind her. She got very upset and scared and took off out of the room. Tina jumped up and sat in the chair as she wanted to be touched. It was not long before she did feel something pressing against her neck and upper shoulder and she also felt a pressure in her head.
We switched places but I didn't feel a thing. No touch or anything. After a while, her and I were the only two in the room and it wasn't long before Jason came in to check on us and let us know that it was nearly time for us to change locations. Every hour, we would be moving to another more haunted area of the hotel and work with a new set of people. Jason is very personable and friendly to talk to and we had a nice conversation with him before we had to leave that area.
Tina and I were then led off to the basement area where a lil kid ghost was said to haunt. We managed to get into the crawlspace but again, nothing as it was difficult to hear with so many people about. I would soon learn this a running theme at these events, too many people. In the other area however, these two ladies who were leading this location, were able to get some great EVPs by a little girl who likes jewelry. This is where we learned that being super, sugary sweet to spirits or entities, can get you some results. Sometimes they would even see the jewelry move!
Next stop was the famed Stephen King Suite, right next to my room! Gotta love that!! Father Andrew Calder led that area and he was more aggressive in provoking and calling out the energies or spirits that are believed to be there in that area.
What was odd, was that most everyone had KII meters, whereas I, had my little ghost meter. There was an electromagnetic field near the door and it would emenate out but the KIIs were not picking up much of anything else. I stood back by the bathroom to the right as you go in and all of a sudden my ghost meter began to pick up some fluctuating fields!! Everyone turned to look over as it has this huge area on the front end that flashes bright red and you can't miss it!! So I held it out and very still as all turned towards me and we began to ask questions and it seemed to be responding?! Still nothing was coming up on the KIIs? I am not sure if it is because the KIIs are just too restrictive? Or it just liked my gadget or perhaps some intereference somewhere? It was great however, although my arm got really tired of holding it in one spot in mid-air for so long.
The Stanley Hotel/Nov 2008
November came up faster than I thought and I made all the arrangements for the Stanley Hotel where my friend, Tina, and I would be staying.
The Stanley Hotel has some great history and is a gorgeous place with a very Victorian feel to it.
Below is a slide show of the drive on out there. We passed a huge pumpkin patch that was just wild to see! Check it out!
Traveling out to the Stanley
Somehow, I got lucky enough to book the room that is right next to the famous Stephen King Suite. In the below picture, you can see the suite is the door down the hall and the first one there to the right is where I stayed.
I had gotten there to the hotel a day early and stayed with another friend and we began to notice that whenever we would talk in a louder than normal tone, the lights in our room would flicker. I didn't think much of it at first but I did ask the maid and the service staff as well as the lady at the front desk if our room happen to have had any electrical issues? All that we asked said no and gave me this weird look. The maid seemed a bit frightened and anxious to get out of the room.
That night, I kept getting woken up to a rustling sound. It was my friend whose leg kept twitching and wouldn't stop! It was happening all night long and drove me batty! I tried to figure out what the sound was and moved my leg over the blankets and realized my friend's leg was on the outside of the coverlet and not in the sheets.
When we got up in the morning, I asked my friend about it and he said he could not get his leg to stop either and it drove him mad! He said he would not go back to the Stanley ever again, he was so spooked by it!
The next day, my friend left and then Tina arrived while I was in the registration line. I had arranged for her to be picked up from the Denver airport and brought out to the Stanley by the shuttle bus. It is a long drive and it's expensive for the shuttle. In hindsight, I would rather have had a car so I could go down to the town below the hotel where there are a lot of great little shops and restaurants.
Dave, from Darkness Radio, (http://www.darknessradio.com/)
organized this event for Jason and Grant of Ghost Hunter fame. This was a huge spectacular event and Dave did a great job in keeping everything as orderly as possible! The line was huge as there were about 200 of us there. All sorts of people, some fans and ghost hunters, some came alone and some in groups. It was incredible! I got my badge and we were introduced and got to meet all the people who were presenting at the event.
Some of the more famous that you may know of that I had not met until that night were: Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson of TAPS/Ghost Hunters

Chris Fleming of Dead Famous and Psychic Kids
Michael and Marti Parry --Psychic Mediums
Patrick Burns of Haunting Evidence, Father Andrew Calder--Demonologist, Jeff Belanger--author/researcher, and Bill Chappell--Engineer & Developer.I also met Scotty Roberts who was offering tarot readings and Paranormal Sarah who was offering energy readings. Plus, can't forget Dave of Darkness Radio who is a phenomenal host!
I was able to arrange a reading with the Parrys that weekend and met them in their hotel room. I was unsure how this would go but it had been a long time since I had gone to a medium or psychic and I like to do so every now and then. Michael and Marti were both very nice. They taped the session and gave me the cassette and allowed me to tape it also with my own digital recorder. I was very impressed as there were a lot of things they could not have known nor did they lead me to statements for I am one to clam up when it comes to these type of readings and I do not help a lot. They said outright at the onset of the reading for me to not help them at all nor volunteer any information. My time ran beyond what we had set and we just chatted and went a bit further and I found it all very insightful and helpful to me.
Many of the celebrities seemed a bit standoffish at first and I am sure they were overwhelmed with the amount of people there but once you are able to talk with them, they are very friendly and nice.
One of the first nights I spent there with Tina, we were talking in our room and again, the flickering of the lights happened. We decided to give some of my equipment I had brought with me, a try. So I took out my EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) detector and the digital recorder so we could try to figure out what was going on. I was able to catch a moving energy field that I could not figure out where or how or what it was. So we started an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) session and you can hear the Class A EVP that we caught as my friend Tina has put it up on YouTube here:
You will hear me talking and asking if the energy is the maid next door? It is purported that there is a ghost of a maid in the Stephen King suite so I figured with us being in the room next to it, that it might be her. Now remember, that there was only myself and Tina in the room and no one else. Take a listen and you be the judge as to what you hear. She looped it and cleaned it up a bit for you so can hear it clearly.
Needless to say, we were excited about discovering this! The energy moved over to the door of the room and then disappeared. We didn't get anything else in that room but more things happened that weekend!
(to be continued!)
The Stanley Hotel has some great history and is a gorgeous place with a very Victorian feel to it.
Below is a slide show of the drive on out there. We passed a huge pumpkin patch that was just wild to see! Check it out!
Traveling out to the Stanley
Somehow, I got lucky enough to book the room that is right next to the famous Stephen King Suite. In the below picture, you can see the suite is the door down the hall and the first one there to the right is where I stayed.
I had gotten there to the hotel a day early and stayed with another friend and we began to notice that whenever we would talk in a louder than normal tone, the lights in our room would flicker. I didn't think much of it at first but I did ask the maid and the service staff as well as the lady at the front desk if our room happen to have had any electrical issues? All that we asked said no and gave me this weird look. The maid seemed a bit frightened and anxious to get out of the room.
That night, I kept getting woken up to a rustling sound. It was my friend whose leg kept twitching and wouldn't stop! It was happening all night long and drove me batty! I tried to figure out what the sound was and moved my leg over the blankets and realized my friend's leg was on the outside of the coverlet and not in the sheets.
When we got up in the morning, I asked my friend about it and he said he could not get his leg to stop either and it drove him mad! He said he would not go back to the Stanley ever again, he was so spooked by it!
The next day, my friend left and then Tina arrived while I was in the registration line. I had arranged for her to be picked up from the Denver airport and brought out to the Stanley by the shuttle bus. It is a long drive and it's expensive for the shuttle. In hindsight, I would rather have had a car so I could go down to the town below the hotel where there are a lot of great little shops and restaurants.
Dave, from Darkness Radio, (http://www.darknessradio.com/)
organized this event for Jason and Grant of Ghost Hunter fame. This was a huge spectacular event and Dave did a great job in keeping everything as orderly as possible! The line was huge as there were about 200 of us there. All sorts of people, some fans and ghost hunters, some came alone and some in groups. It was incredible! I got my badge and we were introduced and got to meet all the people who were presenting at the event.
Some of the more famous that you may know of that I had not met until that night were: Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson of TAPS/Ghost Hunters

Chris Fleming of Dead Famous and Psychic Kids
Michael and Marti Parry --Psychic Mediums
Patrick Burns of Haunting Evidence, Father Andrew Calder--Demonologist, Jeff Belanger--author/researcher, and Bill Chappell--Engineer & Developer.I also met Scotty Roberts who was offering tarot readings and Paranormal Sarah who was offering energy readings. Plus, can't forget Dave of Darkness Radio who is a phenomenal host!
I was able to arrange a reading with the Parrys that weekend and met them in their hotel room. I was unsure how this would go but it had been a long time since I had gone to a medium or psychic and I like to do so every now and then. Michael and Marti were both very nice. They taped the session and gave me the cassette and allowed me to tape it also with my own digital recorder. I was very impressed as there were a lot of things they could not have known nor did they lead me to statements for I am one to clam up when it comes to these type of readings and I do not help a lot. They said outright at the onset of the reading for me to not help them at all nor volunteer any information. My time ran beyond what we had set and we just chatted and went a bit further and I found it all very insightful and helpful to me.
Many of the celebrities seemed a bit standoffish at first and I am sure they were overwhelmed with the amount of people there but once you are able to talk with them, they are very friendly and nice.
One of the first nights I spent there with Tina, we were talking in our room and again, the flickering of the lights happened. We decided to give some of my equipment I had brought with me, a try. So I took out my EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) detector and the digital recorder so we could try to figure out what was going on. I was able to catch a moving energy field that I could not figure out where or how or what it was. So we started an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) session and you can hear the Class A EVP that we caught as my friend Tina has put it up on YouTube here:
You will hear me talking and asking if the energy is the maid next door? It is purported that there is a ghost of a maid in the Stephen King suite so I figured with us being in the room next to it, that it might be her. Now remember, that there was only myself and Tina in the room and no one else. Take a listen and you be the judge as to what you hear. She looped it and cleaned it up a bit for you so can hear it clearly.
Needless to say, we were excited about discovering this! The energy moved over to the door of the room and then disappeared. We didn't get anything else in that room but more things happened that weekend!
(to be continued!)
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